This is a drawing of a naked woman done in pencil on paper. I did it to represent feelings, emotions, experiences, situations or circumstances that a person can live in his life, among these are depression, loneliness, sadness, low self-esteem, poverty, grief and many other negative things that progressively deteriorate and self-destruct a person mentally and physically. I made this drawing to understand all that internal or mental and even external self-destruction that one has due to experiences, thoughts and factors that finally make that person suffer from traumas, illnesses, negative moments or feelings.
- Precio 182€
- Categorías del cuadro Desnudos / Otro
- Ubicación / Región Colombia/ *Otro municipio
- Superficie Papel
- Técnica Lápiz
- Alto (cm) 25
- Ancho (cm) 35
- Enmarcado No